
You may recall our recent post outlining the benefits of upskilling, the process of employees at your company learning new skills to advance their careers and pursue new internal opportunities. However, it’s also important to consider the idea of internal mobility, which can be attained through both upskilling and a variety of other logistics.

What is internal mobility?

Internal mobility is the movement of employees within an organization, based on promotions, mentorship opportunities, project demands, and title changes. These changes can occur both laterally and vertically, depending on the situation. The idea of internal mobility is to reassure your staff of the growth opportunities available to them and to present to the needed steps to take.

LinkedIn emphasizes that internal mobility “increase employee satisfaction, retention, productivity, and engagement; reduce time and cost to hire; and develop high-potential employees with an eye toward leadership succession planning. It’s also becoming more important than ever as the workforce grows younger and craves diverse opportunities.”

Benefits of internal mobility

  • Cost: Empowering current employees into new roles helps to reduce hiring costs associated with onboarding and training. Not only will this help your organization save money, it will also save time familiarizing a new hire to the technology and culture.
  • Retention: Internal mobility encourages your employees to build new skills and form supported goals. After a couple years without a single move or promotion, many professionals may otherwise become discouraged.
  • Generational talent: The younger generations, namely Millennials and Generation Z, prioritize growth when seeking new employment. They are attracted to companies that invest in their employees’ potentials.

How to embrace internal mobility

A few ways to practice internal mobility include:

  • Promotions: Offering a higher title and salary to an existing employee when a role becomes vacant.
  • Interdepartmental: Moving an employee to a different role within the same department, mainly to provide services on a specific project. This helps the team run smoothly, learn new skills, and adapt when necessary.
  • Mentorships: This might occur if a senior-level employee wants to train or mentor a lower-level employee, with the intention of one day taking over their role or one similar.
  • New roles: Many organizations find themselves in-demand for new roles and positions based on project goals, market expansions, etc. These new roles can be filled with employees at the organization who are already familiar with the business.

Green Key is proud to practice internal mobility and support all of our employees throughout their growth and career. To learn more about working at Green Key, visit our internal careers page.

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Green Key
Apr 16, 2024

Biotech vs. Techbio: A Nexus of Biology and Tech

In the dynamic world of scientific innovation, two terms have emerged as guiding lights: Biotech and Techbio. These terms encapsulate distinct yet complementary approaches to leveraging technology for advancements in the realm of biology. Let’s delve into the nuances of each and explore their shared mission at the intersection of science and technology.

Biotech vs Techbio

According to Bioindustry.org, “Biotech, short for biotechnology, is a broad field that encompasses living organisms or parts of living organisms to make products, improve plants or animals, or develop new processes for various industries.” While Techbio is, “…‘tech bio’ is the exciting new field focused on leveraging data and technology to improve, enhance, and accelerate life science processes,” as stated by Forbes.

Medium.com goes further to explain techbio stating, “TechBio is the direct application of engineering to biology. While the portion of biology that we understand is still severely limited in scope, applying an engineering mindset to solving biological problems means we can still work with limited information. We see TechBio as being concerned with four main components:

  • Reading bio — understanding genetic information (DNA, RNA, proteins, etc.) ex: next-gen sequencing
  • Writing bio — synthesizing DNA, RNA, and protein constructs. ex: creating custom DNA oligonucleotides
  • Programming bio — manipulating genetic information or small molecules for therapeutic purposes. ex: designing complex antibody drugs to treat metastatic cancer
  • Delivering bio — routing biological information to the correct tissues and cells. ex: delivering RNA drugs to organ of interest

Simply put, techbio focuses on leveraging computational tools and techniques to analyze, model, and understand biological data. With the exponential growth of data generated by genomics, proteomics, and other ‘omics disciplines, techbio plays a crucial role in decoding the complexities of living systems. Through algorithms, machine learning, and data visualization, techbio enables researchers to unravel biological mysteries, predict disease outcomes, and design novel therapeutics with unprecedented precision.

Bridging the Gap

While biotech and techbio represent distinct approaches, the boundaries between the two are increasingly blurred as interdisciplinary collaborations flourish. These collaborations are evidence and projects ranging from personalized medicine initiatives to the development of sustainable biomanufacturing processes. These collaborations leverage the strengths of both the disciplines, resulting in transformative advancements in real-world impact.

Whether it’s engineering microbes for biofuel production or using machine learning to predict protein structures, the convergence of biotech and tech bio holds immense promise for addressing pressing global challenges.

The convergence of biotech and tech bio marks an exciting era of discovery and innovation at the Nexus of biology and technology. Their collaborative synergy holds immense promise for addressing the complex challenges facing humanity from advancing healthcare to enhancing food security and environmental sustainability.

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Green Key